fruit playground

This is a physical ragdoll sandbox game with various items of different categories. In this game, you can relax both mentally and physically. You can build some kind of mechanism, or some kind of vehicle, or some kind of building, or you can not build anything and just play with ragdolls, this will help you relieve stress

– New Fruit: Grape
– New Map: Space
– New Weapon: Machine Gun (#2)
– New Clothes: Space Suit, Space Helmet, Robe, Colorable Shirt
– New Pyrotechnic: Nuclear Bomb, Flashbang Grenade
– Neon Lamp Sound
– Ambient volume setting (only for Space Map)

– Balloon, Lightbulb, Neon Lamp, Bottle can now be destroyed by weapons

– Bug when the fruit picked up any weapon instead of the closest one。

CRsL 3oc8lAGMlGbrbeePUpWQLpV mPeExjLuOwTgO2EnVjIlqQ1w2QkIBwLhL DKSBT=w526 h296 for melon playground mods
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